llama in pajamas

Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts’ ultimate mission is to encourage inquiry and heighten public understanding and appreciation of the world through art and culture. Books such as Llama in Pajamas bring such lofty aims to the very young. Brimming with watercolor illustrations of antique Andean textiles found in the MFA’s collection, this book follows every parent’s nightly struggle and snuggle getting a little one to bed. Hide-and-seek play under flaps reveals the little llama hiding from his mother at bedtime.

An 1884 illustration of A.B. Frost in the museum’s print collection inspired the stuffed animal with buttons, snaps, ties and zipper to teach preschool dressing skills. An Incan nobleman’s mantle c.1550 is the blanket baby llama hides behind. A weaver’s work basket from A.D. 1000 shows a child the tools used long ago to weave such masterpieces.


Product development

From sketching the stuffed llama to overseeing its production through the myriad of safety tests required to bring a toy to market, we had great fun creating a toy that taught not only about ancient cultures, but also button-snap-tie-zip skills.


Child development

We are keenly aware of what children can do and what interests them at various stages of development. So, this book hides an element of surprise and plays a joke on mama-llama at the very end. After all the effort in getting little llama dressed, children giggle at finding little llama naked under the covers :)


Gisela Voss, Concept, Author & Product Development

Illustrator:  Melissa Sweet

Publisher: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston


learningsmith classics